
Keynote Speakers Details


Dr. Abdelmjid Bouazizi /Assistant Professor

Department of Sciences, Ecole Normale Superieure, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco

Presentation Title: Low-cost Ceramic TiO2-doped ZrO2/Pozzolan-based Nanofiltration Membrane for Removal of Dyes and Heavy Metal Solutions

Abdelmjid Bouazizi received his Ph.D. in Sciences and Techniques of Chemistry, Life and Environment from University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco in 2018, and is currently an Assistant Professor at Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco. His research interests focus on chemical engineering, ceramic membrane and membrane technology. He has published near 20 papers, one patent, and some communications. He also serves as Editor for some journals, like Intelligent in Systems for Sustainable Energy and Development, Current Nanomaterials, and as the reviewer for some journals like Journal of Water Process Engineering, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Desalination and Water Treatment, etc. Dr. Abdelmjid Bouazizi is the member of the Moroccan Association of Crystallography (AMC) and Moroccan Society of membranes and desalination (SMMD).